Puppy Raiser Questionnaire – In For Training
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It’s been over a month since Dublin went in for formal guide dog training and I really haven’t done too much here on the blog, on his facebook page, his YouTube channel, or on his Twitter account. However, that’s all about to change starting with this short blog post about one of the last reports we filled out before turning Dublin in for formal training.
A couple months ago we received a letter in the mail telling us that it was time to bring Dublin back to guide dog school for his formal guide dog training. Included with that letter was a short questionnaire that we filled out letting the guide dog trainers know a little bit about Dublin, how he did in his dog obedience training classes, and anything that might be helpful during his stay at guide dog college. Here are the questions and answers we provided.

Puppy Raiser Turn In Questionnaire
Dear Puppy Raisers:
Listed below are some questions that will help the trainers in knowing a little more about your puppy.
Please fill it out to the best of your knowledge and bring it with you to the luncheon.
Puppy’s Name: Dublin
1. How many family members worked with the puppy?: 1
2. Where does the puppy sleep at night?: Crate next to the bed
Have you ever used a crate?: Yes
3. What are the dogs favorite activities: he likes playing with my o
ther dog Linus or lay quietly chewing on a bone.
4. What is it’s favorite toy?: Kong
5. What reaction does your dog have to loud noises?: Startled or alert and recovers quickly.
Barking dogs?: Alert sometimes excited.
6. Has your dog been exposed to other animals?: Yes, horses, dogs, cats, birds, donkeys, llamas, snakes, lizards.
7. In what kind of neighborhood environment did your puppy grow up? (Sidewalk less areas, livestock areas, high traffic areas): Condo community with sidewalks on a golf course.
8. How is your puppy at being restrained?: excited, but ok.
During Vet exam?: excited, but ok.
While cleaning its ears?: Dublin has had many ear infections and will sit calmly to get his ears cleaned.
While on tie-down: he remains quiet on a tie-down.
9. Any chronic health problems?: Ear infections.
10. Any problem areas?: Over excited on meet and greets. Mouthy behavior. Doesn’t like getting his nails trimmed.
11. How much is your dog currently eating?: 1 1/2 cups 2x a day.
What brand of food?: Purina Pro Plan Chicken.
12. Please list anything you would like the trainers to know about your puppy?: He’s still a very mouthy dog mostly licking now. On a couple occasions with other dogs on outings he’s been very excited and lacked focus, but when we’re not with other dogs on outings he usually does quite well. His obedience is good, but can use work on sit-stays and down-stays.
As I mentioned it’s been a little over a month since Dublin went off to college. We still haven’t heard anything back from our little puppy in training, but at this point in time they always say that “no news is good news”.
As a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs of America I know we all receive this Puppy Raiser Questionnaire, but how about the other organizations? Do any of you out their who puppy raise for other guide or service dog organizations receive a similar questionnaire? Let us know in the comment section below.
Top Picks For Our Puppies
We Like: Beef Collagen Sticks - All of our pups love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Collagen Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors. - BEST PUPPY TOY
We Like: Calmeroos Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and Heat Packs - Perfect for new puppies. Helps ease anxiety in their new home. - BEST DOG TREATS
We Like: Crazy Dog Train-Me Treats - We use these as our high-value treats for our guide dog puppies. - BEST FRESH DOG FOOD
We Like: The Farmer's Dog - A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh dog food and she loves it! Get 50% off your first order of The Farmer's Dog.
Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.
Yup all is well. Saw my first dog Chris yesterday, he was being photographed and interviewed for a news article. And my other puppy was there too, got a chance for the to exchange kisses before the journalist started. Be hard each time you go over the pix/video. I know what you mean as recently I had to make an album on Chris for his first puppy raiser. Was a trip down memory lane.
@Carey agreed on not hearing enough about our pups. I started editing Dublin’s “In For Training” video and it’s really making me miss him. I’m going to try and get the video done later today. I hope everything is going well with you. Thanks for letting us know how things work at your school.
No we don’t get asked, not even verbally. But then the trainers see us and the dogs in action most weeks. Maybe that is why. And we do get some news on how the dog is getting on. But of course we never get to hear enough about our babies!!
@Lisa I hope everything is going well. I’m sure you miss Hosta as much as I miss Dublin. Thanks for letting us know about how KSDS handles “turn in” and questionnaires. It is interesting to hear about the other schools. I know a lot is the same, but I’m sure there are lots of little differences as well. Are you raising another puppy yet?
Happy Holidays!
My PIT Hosta was returned a few weeks before Dublin. And I had to fill out a 2 page questionaire on Hosta when I returned him to KSDS. It is very similar to GDAs questionaire. Good question – it’s neat to hear how other schools do it.