Puppy In Training TV – Ep 16 – Guide Dog Pups Visit The Fire Station
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We’ve been raising guide dog puppies for the past 5 years and we had always heard about visiting the fire station, but after raising Stetson then Derby and now Dublin we had never visited fire fighters or a fire station until today!
Visiting fire fighters and a fire station is a great outing for our guide dog puppies. You never know when they might run into a firefighter fitted with a full gas mask or perhaps the screaming sounds of the siren. Today we had the opportunity to let our puppies see, hear, and smell everything at our local fire station.
Check out this weeks Puppy In Training TV episode:
Episode 16 – Guide Dog Pups Visit The Fire Station
Here’s this weeks episode of Puppy In Training TV. If you’d like to sponsor an episode take a look at the Puppy In Training TV Sponsorship page.
Guide Dogs Pups Visit The Fire Station Transcription
This week we got to visit the Orange County Fire station right in our backyard…Irvine, California! Joining us on today’s outing are Yuki, Archer, Miles, Chloe, Wriley, and of course the star of our show…Dublin. My name is Colby and welcome to Episode 16 of Puppy In Training TV.
Guide Dog Puppy Training Starring DUBLIN
With Linus Aussie Shepherd Rescue
Also Colby The Human
And Stetson Career Changed Guide Dog
We got to the fire station a little bit early so we made sure our pups “got busy” before we walked across the street to the fire station.
As soon as we saw the fire truck return we headed over for an exciting day working on puppy training with fire fighters.
We started off by introducing our puppies to a fire fighter fully suited wearing a gas mask. Can you hear that (pause)…He sounds a like darth vader…I was expecting to hear…Luke I am your father… Our pups all had a different reaction to this unusual looking human…the look, sounds, and smells didn’t bother Miles one bit. Dublin got excited to see the fire fighter like he was his new favorite toy. Chloe was a little bit hesitant of this strange looking thing.
After all the puppies observed, sniffed, and greeted the fire fighter in his gas mask they pulled the fire truck around to the back for more puppy training exercises.
Our entire group did some heeling exercises around the truck. Dublin was a little bit excited and was pulling more than he does on his regular walks.
After heeling around the fire truck we got all the dogs in sit-stays and down-stays and let them hear some of the crazy sounds that come from a fire truck….yay! no howling! all of our dogs did really well…while some became alert to the sirens none of our pups seemed fearful. After popping up to attention they all recovered very well.
By the way, who was in charge of making all that noise…looks like a future fire fighter!
After listening to the sirens Dublin and I posed in front of the big red fire truck for a glamour shot.
We were all hungry after a morning at the fire station so we headed down the street for a bite to eat.
Once we got to the University Town Center the farmers market was going on with a crowd of people.
We made our way through the crowds and stopped in at the Steelhead Brewing Company for some lunch and a break for our puppies.
Many thanks to the firefighters at the Orange County Fire Station in Irvine for working with us and our guide dog puppies. We’ll leave you with the whole crew posing for a picture. Thanks for joining us for this episode of Puppy In Training TV. We’ll see you next time!
If you’d like to sponsor an episode of Puppy In Training TV visit PuppyInTraining.com
Our Final Thoughts On Guide Dogs Pups Visit The Fire Station

Our Fire Station outing was awesome! Getting the opportunity to visit a fire fighter in a gas mask was great for all our pups. Dublin got excited and thought it was play time when he saw the Fire Fighter in mask. Some pups were worried while others thought the gas mask was the best thing ever (Miles…). Walking around the fire truck and and letting the pups listen to the siren were also a great experience. Overall I was very pleased with Dublin’s reactions on this outing. While he was a bit overly excited he calmed down and did very well. And of course he did just fine lying quietly under the table during lunch.
If you’re interested in sponsoring an episode of Puppy In Training TV visit our sponsors page and fill out the form. We’ll see you next time!
Top Picks For Our Puppies
We Like: Beef Collagen Sticks - All of our pups love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Collagen Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors. - BEST PUPPY TOY
We Like: Calmeroos Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and Heat Packs - Perfect for new puppies. Helps ease anxiety in their new home. - BEST DOG TREATS
We Like: Crazy Dog Train-Me Treats - We use these as our high-value treats for our guide dog puppies. - BEST FRESH DOG FOOD
We Like: The Farmer's Dog - A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh dog food and she loves it! Get 50% off your first order of The Farmer's Dog.
Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.