Apache’s Journey To Guide Dog College
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Apache here to talk about my journey to guide dog college. I’m going to try and keep it short and sweet with some of the basic information. If you want a more wordy description then just ask my Dad (he likes to talk) to shoot you an email or let him know about any guide dog puppy questions you might have.
My Journey To Guide Dog College
I think I’ll start off with where did I come from? I’m now a student at Guide Dogs of America (GDA) and this is actually where I started. We are all born and bred at GDA and after spending about 7 weeks in the nursery we go home with our puppy raisers where we learn basic obedience, socialization, and good house manners from our puppy raisers.
Here’s a picture of me the first day I went home with my puppy raiser:

Normally we stay with the same puppy raiser until we are about 18 months old, but I just kept growing and growing and eventually I was too big for my original puppy raiser.
So a little bit before my first birthday I heard that a big, strong, burly, handsome (he made me say all those things) man named Colby would be my new puppy raiser. That’s us together working on our obedience:

My Dad said that my original puppy raiser did an awesome job with my training. However, he still took me to obedience classes, worked on our manners around the house, and visited many new and interesting places like the Bass Pro Shop:

After working with 2 puppy raisers (Mary and Colby) we got the call that it was almost time to start guide dog college. So this past Saturday we got in the car and drove to the GDA campus in Sylmar, California to meet up with my first puppy raiser, Mary and to also get me started on the next leg in my journey to become a guide dog.
Guide Dogs of America had a nice luncheon for my puppy raisers and told us what we (the pups) would be doing in the coming months. Training sounds rigorous, but also fun at the same time. I can’t wait to get started. Here’s a good picture of me with my puppy raisers:

After our luncheon and taking a few pictures. It was time for us to say our farewells. We all walked down to the kennels. Dad took me into the kennel, removed my leash and collar, and I got to meet my new roommate, a beautiful female black Labrador Retriever! However, I still wanted to say goodbye to my puppy raisers and Dad gave me a big hug and told me to be a good boy while I’m at college.

After Dad and everyone else left. I played with my new pal Dahlia until we were both exhausted. She’s my new best friend!
I couldn’t see him, but my Dad said he was going to try to catch a glimpse of some of the future guide dog puppies on his way out.

Now that I’m at guide dog college I will only be updating by postcard, but Dad says he’ll make sure that you guys hear all about how I’m doing with my training by updating the blog, Facebook, and Twitter accounts so make sure you “like” and subscribe to our social media channels.
I’m going to do my best in college and hopefully with help from GDA’s awesome instructors I’ll be wearing my shiny new harness at graduation soon!
Guide Dogs of America currently has a ton of puppies almost ready to go home with their puppy raisers. If you’re interested in raising a guide dog puppy and live in Southern or Central California (we also have group in Washington) then please let us know.
I know a lot of you are puppy raisers out there. Tell us about your experiences on puppy turn in day.
Top Picks For Our Puppies
We Like: Beef Collagen Sticks - All of our pups love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Collagen Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors. - BEST PUPPY TOY
We Like: Calmeroos Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and Heat Packs - Perfect for new puppies. Helps ease anxiety in their new home. - BEST DOG TREATS
We Like: Crazy Dog Train-Me Treats - We use these as our high-value treats for our guide dog puppies. - BEST FRESH DOG FOOD
We Like: The Farmer's Dog - A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh dog food and she loves it! Get 50% off your first order of The Farmer's Dog.
Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.
No problem Jodi. Thanks for asking!
Hi Bella,
Yes, I’ve been working hard with Dad. Now it’s time to show them what I can do!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Julie! I’m going to do my best in college.
Take care,
Hi Irene,
Thanks! My week is starting out with lots of medical exams, but no guide dog training yet. That starts in a couple weeks. YAY!
Hi Jen,
Dad said he’d miss me and that is why he wore dark sunglasses. I’ll send postcards to let you know how I’m doing.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you Colby, I’ve always wondered but had no-one to ask! 🙂 That makes me feel a lot better!
Wow … you’re all grown up. Musta been hard for Colby to watch you go off to college… but you’ll make him proud … and show everyone how much work has been put in till now. DOG SALUTE WOOF! Bella.
Good luck in college Apache! Your puppy raisers sure did a great job, I know you’ll make everyone proud!
Good Luck in Guide Dog College Apache. I’m sure you will be awesome…study hard and make your Dad proud. We will be looking forward to your graduation in a few months!!
That is so great Apache! I know you Dad is going to miss you lots! Good luck and keep us updated on college!
My Dad says it’s tough, but well worth it in the end. And if I don’t make it as a guide dog my Dad has the first option to adopt me.
Take care,
Yeah we get our guide dog puppies when they are 7 weeks old and raise them until they are about 18 months. It’s very tough to return your dog to the school, but you know you’re doing something special for another person. When your puppy graduates and you get to meet his new partner makes it all worth it.
Take care,
I could never do it, ever, I really admire your parents for being able to let you go to do something so meaningful
urban hounds
Hi Jodi,
They get plenty of time to “cut loose”. They are working when they are wearing their harness, but when the harness comes off they act pretty much like any other dog. They probably have more manners and better obedience, but they still run around the yard and play with their toys. I got to see my last dog Dublin play with my dogs then working when we visited Downtown Disney. We posted a few pictures here: https://puppyintraining.com/monday-mischief-guide-dog-working-and-training-at-downtown-disney/
Take care,
I’m going to study hard at college. Dad says he’s going to just be a puppy sitter for a while, but the puppy department at the school has already asked twice if he’s ready for another puppy. Plus you saw how cute that little guy at the end was…
Take care,
Hi Pamela,
Dad is always wearing dark glasses. He says it’s so he will still appear manly when he gets dust in his eyes. I’ll do my best at college!
I am not sure I could give up a dog that I had raised from a small pup. Good job on the puppy raising and good luck to Apache.
I’ve always wondered this about guide dogs, do they work all the time, or do they get opportunities to ‘cut loose’? 😉
Apache, we know you’re going to do a great job in college! It must be a lot of hard work. We’ll look forward to hearing updates from you!
P. S. Does this mean there will be a new puppy at Colby’s house soon?
So Apache, tell us the truth. Did you do this post because Colby was sad at saying goodbye to you? I noticed he wore awfully dark glasses when he dropped you off. 🙂
Do good at college. It won’t be long until get to work with your new partner.
Hi Snoopy!
Yep! I’m one lucky dog. She’s my new BFF! I’ll send postcards to let everyone know how I’m doing at college.
Take care,
Hey Apache,
It was great to hear about your big day directly from you and I’m looking forward to hearing of your future progress too – You’re so awesome, as are your puppy raisers for teaching you how to be such a good boy 🙂
I’m so happy you were rewarded with a girlfriend – nice one buddy!! 🙂
Wags to all
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
Hi Jan,
Dad tries to update about my journey as much as possible throughout the year, but I thought my perspective would be a little bit better than a humans.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Alfie! I’m going to do my best at guide dog college. Hopefully I’ll be wearing my shiny new harness at graduation by the end of the year 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
We’ve always wondered about the early years of these remarkable dogs. Thanks for the first person…er, puppy account.
How exciting – good luck at college Apache, I’m sure you will become a pawsome guide dog soon!