8 Best Dog Halloween Costumes On The Internet
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Every year I see awesome dog Halloween costumes when surfing the internet and this year is no different. However, it has been a long time since I posted the best dog costumes on the internet way back in 2008. Four years later we’re back posting our favorite dog Halloween costumes for 2012.
I guess we’re like the U.S. presidential election or maybe the Olympics here on the Puppy In Training blog. The good news is this year we’re going to have more than one best of Halloween dog costumes post. We’ve expanded our Halloween dog Costume post to include a “Best of”, “Cutest“, and “Star Wars”. Believe me all of the images you’ll see in the coming days are worthy of top 10 best dog Halloween costume nominations.
Best Dog Halloween Costumes On The Internet!
We love sharing these wonderful images with everyone. I did my best to find the original source to link back, but it’s difficult to tell where these originally came from. If any of the images belongs to you please let me know and I will reference your site and link back to you or if you prefer I can remove the image entirely.
In David Letterman style descending order starting with:
#8 – Tech Savvy iPhone Dog

I thought it was appropriate to have the iPhone dog Halloween costume kick off our top dog Halloween costume list. After all the release of the iPhone 5 was only a few weeks back. This little guy looks like he’s sporting an original iPhone. I can’t really tell from the picture, but I wonder if that’s his leash coming through the iPhone jack?
#7 – Fantasy Dragon or Awesome Suit of Armor!

This costume is just plain cool. It really looks like it could be some kind of fantasy armor from a Dungeons and Dragons game or possibly it’s the dragon Smaug from the upcoming movie The Hobbit (aff link). Either way it’s cool! If I was only a little bit younger back when I was into the fantasy role playing stuff this probably would have risen higher on the list.
#6 – Sesame Street! Oscar The Grouch
I saw this awesome dog costume years ago and bookmarked it for some kind of future use. That future use is today! I think if I was a teenager the Dragon dog costume would have appealed to my role playing fantasy days, but if I were a toddler…maybe about 5 years old then Sesame Street and Oscar the Grouch dog costume might be number 1!
#5 – Husky Carrying A Treasure Chest
This one reminds me of Apache’s pal Alchemy. I love this costume and someday if I can become a little more crafty I might make a similar outfit for one of my dogs. All we need is a little yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum and maybe a little bit of Johnny Depp and Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean!
#4 – Gifts For The Little Pups
I know what you’re saying…this is just like the Husky dog costume. I agree, but I loved them both! This one had a little added cuteness factor. Maybe it’s the size of the dog or the angle of the picture. Anyhow, could you find a cuter dog Halloween costume? Maybe if you threw a puppy into the mix!
#3 – Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Dog Costume!

Are Chia Pets still around? I saw several of these costumes on the internet, but chose this one because you have the dog costume version right next to Chia Pet box. If only this pup were standing next to an actual Chia Pet 🙂
#2 – For The Pokemon Fans…Umbreon

If you’re a Pokemon fan then you probably know who this guy is, if not then you might think this is a giant, black, dotted rabbit with crazy red eyes. Either way we thought it was a cool dog costume. Some people are way too creative! Just in case you didn’t know this is Umbreon.
#1 – Back To The 80’s! “That’s Tron, he fights for the users…”

Lets turn the clocks back to 1982! Probably because I’m a product of the 80’s, but I thought this was the coolest dog costume ever! I loved the video game Tron and I loved the movie. I tried and failed years ago to make my own (human) costume of Tron.
That’s my 8 favorite dog Halloween costumes. It’s funny, but it’s almost like a timeline of my life.
- 1970’s Sesame Street
- Early 1980 Tron
- 1980’s Chia Pet
- Late 80’s Fantasy Video and Role playing games
- 1990’s – Pokemon
- 2000’s – Pirates of the Caribbean
- late 2000’s iPhone
That’s not it folks! We came across so many dog Halloween costumes this year we broke it down into several categories. Today was our best of list. Tomorrow we’ll share the cutest dog costumes and the following day you’ll see our favorite Star Wars dog costumes. Stay tuned…
What about you? Have you seen better dog Halloween costumes across the internet? If so, please tell us about it in the comment section below.
Are you yearning to see more dog costumes. Check out our cutest dog Halloween costumes post by clicking the image below.
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My service dog has numerous pawsplays. Thor, Dogtor Who, and Mike from attack on titan. Check him out on his twitter photos!
The 4 and 5 are the best !
In my search for my favorite dog costumes I did come across the Whippet in the AT-AT dog Halloween costume. I actually saw that costume right before Halloween last year for the first time…AWESOME! And I’m a huge Star Wars fan! As you suspected the reason why it’s not on this list is because we came across several really cool Star Wars dog costumes and decided to feature them in their own post. So stay tuned…
Yeah, that dragon outfit is pretty darn cool. I have black dogs so if I only I had the same level of creativity we could have contrasting dragons!
Totally agree on both! At least we have half that combo in our house. I’m not creative, but my dogs sure are patient!
Some dogs just don’t seem to care what they are wearing. When I put on Dublin’s monkey hat last year he wore it proudly and when it sagged into his eyes he just kept marching around our little guide dog parade. I don’t even think he could see…
Okay, I was going to ask how you can possibly not have the Whippet in the AT-AT costume, but I suspect it will be in a future post! lol All of these are great. Every year we have to come up with something for our nursing home visit and I love some of these ideas!
I love that dragon costume!
Those are great. Some humans are so creative and some dogs are so patient.
I loved the dragon costume! I just wonder how these people get their dogs to wear them? I put wings on Delilah once and then laughed as she bumped her way around the house, thank goodness she’s a good sport!!