What Commands Do You Teach A Service Dog?
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Have you ever wondered or thought to ask: “Colby, what commands do you teach a service dog?”
As guide dog puppy raisers we teach our puppies 9 basic obedience commands before they start their formal training.
Adelle’s service dog training manual lists 30 commands! That’s right THREE – ZERO!!!
We’ve been raising and training guide dog puppies since 2006 and we have the privilege of working with these puppies from the time they are 8 weeks old until they are 18 months.

During this time we do our best to make sure they are rock solid with a handful of commands.
When our pups move on to guide dog college they learn many more commands as well as advanced skills and intelligent disobedience.
QUICK RECOMMENDATION: Unfortunately, if you’re not a puppy raiser then you likely do not have access to a service dog training manual. However, there are many good puppy training books available. One of our favorite books is Puppies for Dummies. We read Puppies for Dummies several times before we adopted our first puppy, Linus.
What Do We Teach Our Service Dog Puppies In Training?
As a puppy raiser, we do not teach our puppies everything. We have three main goals as puppy raisers:
- Teach our pups good house manners.
- Socialize our puppies.
- Teach them basic obedience.
The basics are the same whether you are a guide dog puppy raiser or a service dog puppy raiser. As mentioned earlier the big difference is we have to teach our service dog puppies 30 commands vs only 9 for our guide pups.
That’s right! Canine Support Teams has a list of 30 commands we are tasked to teach our service dog puppies in training.
In fact, learning how to teach these different commands is one of the main reasons why I was interested in raising a service dog puppy vs. a guide dog puppy.
Lucky for us our puppy raiser manual gives us a list of commands that we are to teach our puppies including what our pup’s physical response should be, application, and notes.
So, now you’re wondering exactly what commands you teach a service dog puppy in training.
QUICK NOTE: When we first started training everything was referred to as a command. However, over the years many trainers now refer to “Sit”, and “Down” as cues and not commands.
We recognize these two words are very different however, for the purposes of this article we will consider a cue and command synonymous. If you want to read more check out this article: commands vs cue in dog training.
Take a gander at this list:
What Commands Do You Teach A Service Dog?
UPDATE: 5 years ago we followed CST’s standards to teach 30 commands, but guess what? We expanded our list to teach our current puppies even more skills (check out the bonus section). We also included a little more detail about each command.
Our future puppies in training will learn all of these skills. At the moment we are working with Raven, Mother of Puppies (Yep, I watch Game of Thrones) on all 45 commands.
QUICK TIP: For several years we’ve been clicker trainingย our puppies. Stay tuned for more blog posts on how to clicker-train your puppy.
0. NAME – to get your puppy’s attention.
- Your puppy’s name.
- Surprisingly this wasn’t on the CST list, but possibly one of the most important commands you can teach your puppy.
- Tips to teach your puppy her name.
1. WATCH ME – your puppy makes eye contact.
- Important for getting your puppy’s focus away from distractions and on you.
2. SIT – your puppy sits on her rump.
- She will sit anytime, anywhere on command.
- Default position. Get your puppy to SIT/STAY when you are in public and not interacting or not in motion.
3. DOWN – your puppy puts her entire body lying down on the floor.
- She will down anytime, anywhere on command.
4. STAND – to stand on all 4 legs.
- Standing is a good time to allow your puppy to be groomed or inspected.
5. COME – to advance to your side and SIT in a heel position
- Do not confuse with HERE.
6. HERE (CST used the command COME HERE) – to advance to you in no specific position.
- Puppy is required to come close enough to you but doesn’t have to sit.
We’re using something we learned as guide dog puppy raisers. The differentiation between COME and HERE is:
- COME is being used as a formal recall to get into the HEEL position by your side.
- HERE is more informal and just calling your puppy to come back to you, but not in a specific position.
7. STAY – To freeze in her current position.
- When the STAY command is given freeze in that position whether it is after SIT, DOWN, STAND, etc.
8. WAIT – To stop moving forward.
- Not required to stay in their current position and can move between SIT, DOWN, and STAND as long as she doesn’t cross a threshold.
- The only requirement is that your puppy remains behind the designated boundary.
- When your puppy is in the car they should be on an automatic WAIT.
9. RELEASE – To be done with work. UPDATE: We used to use “OK”, but because “OK” is such a common word we are using RELEASE instead.
- Used to let your puppy know she is done working.
10. NO – To get the puppy’s attention and tell her she is not doing the correct thing.
- Given when the puppy does not follow through on the command.
- With Adelle it was something like this: Give the command “DOWN”… wait a few seconds, no response “NO”… pause repeat command: “DOWN”.
11. DON’T – To refrain from commencing with bad behavior that is not wanted.
- Given in anticipation of the puppy doing an inappropriate behavior.
12. OFF – To remove herself from whatever item or object she is on and place all her feet back on the floor.
- Keep four on the floor.
- Use it when your puppy is jumping up on you.
- Also often used when your puppy is on something inappropriate.
- Super mega important! Use OFF not DOWN.
13. LET’S GO – To start to move.
- The cue to let your puppy know it’s time to start moving forward.
14. HEEL – To be in position on your left side.
- The puppy is to move from any position into a HEEL on command.
- The heel of your puppy’s foot should be aligned with your heel.
15. SIDE – To be in position on your right side.
- The puppy is to move from any position into a SIDE on command.
- The heel of your puppy’s foot should be aligned with your heel.
16. LEAVE IT – Move her head away from whatever she is touching or about to touch and make eye contact with you.
- Given before she makes contact with whatever she’s trying to approach, sniff, eat, etc.
17. GET BUSY (CST used the command BETTER GO NOW) – To let your puppy know it’s time to potty.
- Start using from day 1 when potty training your puppy.
- BETTER GO NOW was CST’s command for going potty, but we prefer the GDA command GET BUSY.
- We used GET BUSY (or BETTER GO NOW for Adelle) with all of our puppies even dating back to Linus.
18. SETTLE – To calm down. It’s time to be serious!
- Used when the puppy is overly-excited or running around inappropriately.
- When your puppy is calm praise her calmly so as to not get her excited again.
19. GO THROUGH – To move ahead of the person turn around and position herself to be able to back up through a narrow doorway or passage.
- When you move through a doorway alongside your puppy, then it is not a “GO THROUGH”. It should be a HEEL or SIDE.
20. BACK – To step backward.
- Simple your puppy is doing the moonwalk (did that evoke a mental picture for you?)…seriously just taking steps backward ๐
21. FOLLOW – To move behind you as she moves forward through a door or passage.
- Used when your puppy is tethered to a wheelchair or scooter.
22. GO AROUND – To move around the person or object.
- On-lead is used when your puppy goes around the opposite side of a pole, tree, wheelchair, etc., and needs to come back around to the correct position.
23. MOVE – To physically move her body in any direction.
- Have your puppy move out of the way of you or someone else.
- We’ve been working on this one with Raven. For some reason we always want her to move.
24. CLOSER – To move closer to within inches of you.
- Good for GET DRESSED, retrieving items, grooming, etc.
- Raven is the master of closer. Such a Golden Retriever.
25. GO TO – To go over to another person.
- Followed by a person’s name.
- GO TO MOMMY! Emma knows that one. She’s my 1-year-old daughter, not a puppy.
26. UNDER (CST used the command GO IN) – To crawl into a space and bring in paws in tail out of the way.
- Used to get your puppy under and out of the way. Examples: under a chair, table, etc.
27. THAT’S ALL – To stop the behavior.
- Tells the puppy that it is time to stop behaviors that are permitted. Examples: to stop scratching, chewing, or licking herself.
28. CAREFUL – Approach carefully.
- She’s taking something from your hand or touching you.
- Use a soft, calm, yet firm voice.
- This was important for Stetson who snaps when taking treats from your hand.
29. GET A DRINK – To get a drink of water.
This is a CST command that we are not using with our current puppies.
30. QUIET – Stop barking, whining, and howling.
- When your puppy is barking inappropriately.
Those were the 30 (31 if you include NAME) commands required by CST, but here are 14 BONUS commands we plan to teach all of our future service dog puppies in training.
Service Dog Commands Part II
For all of you overachievers who liked doing the extra credit even after acing the test.
Or for those who wanted to get better than a 4.0 in high school (yes, I’m talking to you, Mrs. 5.0 GPA). Read on…
- BED – go to the bed and lie down.
- CAR – jump into the car.
- DRESS – step into your harness/jacket.
- DROP – release the toy (or other object) from your mouth.
- HURRY – pick up the pace puppy.
- KENNEL – go into your crate.
- LAP – two paws on lap.
- MAT – go to the mat laid out on the floor and lie down
- ROLL – roll onto her side. Good for giving belly rubs!
- ROLL OVER – roll from one side to the other.
- SHAKE – puts paw to your extended hand.
- SPEAK – signal for appropriate barking…if that’s such a thing ๐
- TOUCH – put your nose on the two fingers.
- UP – get her full body up on something. Example: up onto a platform, stage, couch (if you allow that), etc.
QUICK TIP: We use treats and positive reinforcement when working with our puppies. Crazy Train-Me Treats and Happy Howie’s Rolls are some of our favorite training treats. We also highly recommend the Mighty Paws Treat Pouch.
Service Dog Commands Part III
Every Service Dog Organization has its own specific set of commands or cues they teach their dogs. We’ve worked with five different service dog schools over the years.
Recently we started working with a new puppy and we were given a list of cues to work on. I decided this post would be a good place to share the list so you guys would have it in your back pocket.
Our new list had 32 total cues. There was a lot of duplicate from the above list so I only included the new cues on the list below.
Here’s what we’re working on with our new puppy:
- Go Now – It seems every organization has a different cue for telling your puppy to go potty. We’ve used “Get Busy”, “Better Go Now”, and now plain ole “Go Now”
- Crate – You may have already guessed that this is basically the same as the above command, “Kennel”. Your puppy enters the crate and will remain settled until “Released”.
- Give – Your puppy places an object on your hand open palm when given cue.
- Get it – your puppy picks up an object with the mouth when given cue.
- Go Play – Your puppy is free to go play when given cue.
- Jump On – Your puppy jumps onto a surface with all four paws when given cue.
- Car – Similar to “Jump On” except you cueing to jump in the car on cue.
- Bring – Your puppy brings the object to you when given cue.
- Leash – Your puppy picks up the dropped leash and returns to you when given cue.
- Fix – Your puppy picks its leg up in order to disentangle the leash when given cue.
- Leash Guidance – Your puppy moves in the direction of the leash without being cued.
- Auto-Settle – This one is new. Your puppy will default into a down-stay at your feet without being cued when you ignore your puppy.
- Auto-Eye Contact – Your puppy consistently offers attention to you without being cued.
- Auto-Leave It – Your puppy makes eye contact with you in the presence of distractions without being cued.
Part III introduces 14 new cues. The other 18 cues on our list were duplicates. It goes to show you that every service dog organization shares a lot of the same terminology which is definitely helpful.
“Sit”, “Down”, and “Stay” are the same whether you are training at Guide Dogs of America, Canine Support Teams, or Cascade Service Dogs.
That’s it! That’s a whole heckuva lotta (it’s a real word) stuff!
Not too bad eh?
What am I Canadian? Well, I do love watching and playing ice hockey.
Adelle is 5 months old and we’ve touched on many of these commands already.
We are very good at some, okay at others, and some we’re not too sure how to teach yet.
The good news is we will be attending special classes with Canine Support Team trainers where we’ll learn exactly the things we need to work on.
Of course, that’s not all the commands we will teach our puppies.
When Adelle leaves my home she will move forward to the Prison Pup Program where she’ll learn advanced skills and commands.
I’m super excited to move forward with Adelle’s training! And as you can see in the above pic so is Adelle ๐
I’ll talk to you more about the different commands we are working on in the coming weeks.
How about you guys?
Are you teaching your puppies anything interesting or fun?
Tell us about it in the comment section below.
Related Article
QUICK RECOMMENDATION: If you’re just starting to teach your puppy the basics then as mentioned earlier check out Puppies for Dummies. It’s a great introductory book on raising and training your puppy.
UPDATE: Adelle made it as a mobility service dog and is working in California with her new partner.

UPDATE: This post was originally published October 15, 2013. We made some updates and left some of the content the same. We’ve learned a lot over the past 7 years and it reflects in the new information.
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We Like: Beef Collagen Sticks - All of our pups love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Collagen Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors. - BEST PUPPY TOY
We Like: Calmeroos Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and Heat Packs - Perfect for new puppies. Helps ease anxiety in their new home. - BEST DOG TREATS
We Like: Crazy Dog Train-Me Treats - We use these as our high-value treats for our guide dog puppies. - BEST FRESH DOG FOOD
We Like: The Farmer's Dog - A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh dog food and she loves it! Get 50% off your first order of The Farmer's Dog.
Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.
Agreed. I have a very big Rottweiler and no one even going into surgery has refused or even blinked the other way with us. He and I have gone anywhere and everywhere even on planes and not a single soul raised an eyebrow. It is because he is a well trained service dog for many of my disabilities. A well trained animal doesnโt cause confusion like that.
They are in violation of Americans Disability Act 1990. I would slap them with it to educate them.
First off they can not do that but secondly if your in my business and tell me your dog is for PTSD, stress an anxiety I would tell you that is an emotional support animal and not a service dog.
Did you dog act appropriate when it went in the first time. The law states if a service animal acts like a dog and jumps, urinates, growls, barks or any abnormal behavior that is not becoming of a service animal they can refuse them but have to serve you. I have a business and have had plenty of plenty come in with mutts they call service animals and I politely show them a copy of the law and tell them they have to leave the animal outside. Yes they all said they would sue but I would get statements and camera footage of the actions and not once been called to court over it. I honestly think their is more to your story than you are telling.
Cool! Im actually thinking of having our puppy get started its training as a service dog for my daughter. Thank for sharing.
Actually you just have to call the Department of Justice (DOJ) and they will handle it. John Hopkins Hospital tried to do me the same way because I was going to be in the hospital a month but they couldn’t. Nala was allowed to stay with me the whole time. They had to rearrange the staff and remove those with allergies or phobias of dogs. You only need a lawyer if you want to sue the DOJ will let you know if you have enough for a case.
My dog chumchum goes to his space when we tell him go home, we use g for go right and h for left and go for a simple walk going straight no turns , and yes he is a service dog with my way of his training is just as good
I’m sorry to hear about what happened to you. You should contact an attorney to see what rights have been violated and proceed from there.
I am so angry and upset about a scheduled dental visit for an accessed tooth extraction. My service dog and I arrived at the dental office on a Tuesday at my scheduled appointment time, they were informed before I arrived that I had a service animal. At this appointment she took x-rays gave a prescription an schedule an appointment for 2 days later for a simple extraction. Upon arrival on Thursday morning to have the tooth extracted I was approached outside the front door by two women from the Dental office, they informed me that my dog was not allowed in there dental practice, I informed them that he was a service animal he was not a pet and that I needed him there for my PTSD, stress an anxiety. I handed them his card, the lady opened the Dental office front door and left it open asking the front clerk to please make a copy of it then she closed the door back and continue telling me I was not allowed in there with my dog! (this was the second time they copied it). They did not offer to reschedule or apologize for any inconvenience they just insisted that they had someone in there that was afraid of animals and allergic and that he had to stay outside and I said well can he not at least come in until I have the procedure and she said no. At this time I didn’t have an option of not being there because the tooth had to come out. My mouth was swollen I was on antibiotics and The tooth was scheduled to be extracted that day. Nothing was ever discussed about my service animal on the first appointment.
I returned to my car with my service dog and I moved the car into a shaded area which was out on the outskirts of the parking lot. I waited in my car with my service animal until a staff member came and got me. I had to leave my service animal in a hot car at Noone, for what was almost an hour the first week of August.
I am disabled but I’m not stupid and I told them they were wrong they were not allowed by legally to do this. But it takes so much energy and effort in getting myself anywhere that’s part of my disability so for the fact that I was there they didn’t offer to reschedule the appointment but even if they had the tooth had to come out and I couldn’t have done anything else with my service dog because I am totally alone I have no one to help take care of anything like this.
If you leave someone in a hot car for 10 minutes the temperature rises and over a 30 minutes, well let me just say I’m very blessed that my service animal did not die from the Heat in that car that day. Am I wrong here? Did they not put my service animal in harm and myself as well? Was this or was this not discrimination buy them illegally declining him entrance into their dental practice? Okay now what do I do about it?
I am teaching the above commands to my dog Oliver and he started understanding it. There is so much improvement but still a long way to go. Thanks for sharing this.
We are currently clicker training our puppies. We got involved by volunteering at guide and service dog organizations over the past 14 years.
What is the most effective method to use and how do I get involved with my business
How do you train a hearing dog yourself? Do you have a guide on that type of training?
You might try contacting one of the guide dog schools (here’s a list that might help: https://puppyintraining.com/dog-training-schools-a-list-of-guide-dog-schools/) to see what their thoughts are on training a Kerry Blue Terrier as a guide. My initial thought is they may be too small to work as a guide dog as guiding can be stressful on the body especially if your dog has to keep you from moving forward to stay out of danger.
I am getting my 3rd Kerry Blue Terrier and since I am going blind, I am wondering if an adult dog can be trained as a guide dog? The Kerry breed loves to learn and this particular dog is best with only one owner.
Since Kerry’s love learning and having a job (agility as well), I was wondering if adult dogs can be trained for such a task?
Yep, it’s great having a trainer to work with. Even though we’ve been doing this for over 15 years we still work with trainers to help us work with our puppies.
I want to be able to teach my dog good house manners even if he’s going to be a service dog. To be honest, I think it would be a good idea to hire a trainer who will teach my dog what name he should respond to. Thanks for mentioning that the basics are the same for service dogs so I’m sure that whoever will get him will have an easy time once the trainer teaches him basic commands that he should follow.
I have a little dog that looks like a min pin but i was told buy the lady that gave her to me that she’s chiwawa mix. Anyway she is high strung, she sits, sits pretty, dances on command, kisses, waits as long as there is no distractions, she does not get ” down” she just refuses, she will come but only in the house not outside. There is other things we are trying to work on but is difficult, i have osteoporosis in my knees& hips so it’s hard to do alot with her.
Amora is 8 months old and i want to train her before she to old to get set in her own ways. Any suggestions? I love her to death and don’t want to replace her. Oh yeah she does give hugs too.
I would have thought that the guide dog list of commands would be longer than the service dog commands since they are working with someone without sight. So interesting! Thanks Colby!
itโs amazing that they can learn commands like โgo aroundโ and โcarefulโDo you do a new command each week or is that too quick? I highly recommend a trainer.
My dog followed everything he asked and I started asking her to do the same things and she obeyed me right away. I highly recommend you as a trainer.thank you so much for your help
Yeah, “Drop” can be pretty important in a lot of situations. The amount of time it takes to teach a dog will vary based on the individual dog and the difficulty of the command. One thing we learned is that some dogs will physically have more difficulty doing a command. For instance, we were teaching Archer to “Sit Pretty”, but because of his physical attributes he had difficulty getting into the position and holding it. However, I’ve seen other breeds have no problem sitting pretty and holding it for 10 seconds or longer. We running into the same problem with Stetson. He may know commands, but now that he’s almost 12 years old he has some difficulty performing commands because it is physically difficult for him with his arthritis. Nowadays we don’t expect Stetson to do puppy pushups (quick sits and downs in succession) or anything else that is stressful on his body.
I would have thought “Drop” or “Drop It” would be in the original 9 or 30 training words. Seems important if the service/guide dog had something inappropriate in their mouth (socks, meds, etc.). How long does it take to train the dogs with each command? Do you do a new command each week or is that too quick? I would have thought that the guide dog list of commands would be longer than the service dog commands since they are working with someone without sight. So interesting! Thanks Colby!
It’s cool to know what a service dog can learn. I think it’s amazing that they can learn commands like “go around” and “careful”. Why are dogs so amazing? My brother may need a service dog, so I’ll tell him this.
Hi Donna,
I see where you train your own dogs now. I recently got a lab pup for my son, which she will eventually be his service dog. Do I have to send her somewhere for special training or can i get the information offline? you can email me at a
I was interested to know, what’s the difference between Come and Come here? I’m guessing Come is what you’d use if you’d stopped to talk to someone, and then you were ready to move forward again, and Come Here is to come and touch you? Anyway, I think there is so much more a Guide Dog puppy can be taught than what is currently on the list. I’ve had two Guide Dogs from Guide Dogs UK, and a third which didn’t work out because the dog came with a number of problems, not all of which could be ironed out. I now train my own dogs, and have taught some useful extras as well as the normal guiding. Firstly, bringing me named items, such as keys, phone, wallet, white stick etc. This is great for if I’ve put them down and forgotten where. You start off with something soft like a glove and then move on to the harder and less durable objects. Also picking items up that I drop such as bus pass, train tickets etc, and finding very small items that I drop by having the dog put it’s nose on them and wait till I’ve located it. So if I dropped say a pound coin, I could ask the dog to Show Me and take hold of its collar. Then it would take me to the coin and drop its nose down without picking it up, and keep still till I’d located it and picked it up off the floor. I do think for def that Guide Dog Puppies ought to be taught as a matter of course to retrieve to hand. Because if they don’t, how can their blind owner play with them properly. Your service dog sounds really interesting.
Our friends recently brought home a new puppy to their home, and I wanted to help supply some training information, as opposed to just information on training “devices”. I was on a flight recently and there was a police dog in the airport and I thought, these dogs are so well trained, what’s the secret? So I began investigating how the “service dog” is trained and it let me here. Shows that often times you really get what you put into the training. Cheers.
No problem! Thanks for stopping by. I hope your GSD learns some of these Service Dog commands.
Hey, thanks for all the helpful tips and the puppy is sooo cute! <3 I have a GSD who is a year old and she knows lots of tricks but I want to teach her some service dog tricks! Thanks again
You might want to check out this article on biting: https://puppyintraining.com/the-ultimate-guide-how-to-stop-a-puppy-from-biting-and-nipping/ If you’re having trouble with an aggressive dog you should probably consult a professional dog trainer for an in-home training session. Good luck with your training.
Hi Colby,
Well, thats a nice list of commands to teach your dog.. But, how can you make your dog learn not to bite you and other people around.. Can you please share your views when the dog is quite aggressive and keeps on barking on other people?
Thanks ๐
I agree. All dogs should learn the majority of these commands. Adelle will end up learning about 120 commands when she’s done with her training.
Very interesting! Of course, those 30 commands are words all dogs should learn. I had no idea there was such a difference between the guide dog pups and the service dog pups.
Hi Mark,
Here are some definitions on the commands:
“That’s All” – To stop the behavior
“Careful” – to approach a situation with gentleness and care.
I hope that helps.
Take care,
Hi Colby,
I’m curious, what’s the meaning of the etiquette commands: ‘That’s all’ and ‘Careful’?
‘Leave it’ I’m sure of, but what would you teach a pup the other two to mean and how would you go about it? They’re quite abstract meanings where dogs really need simplicity mostly?
Does that’s all mean ‘no more’ when eating / playing etc.? And ‘careful’, can you teach the puppy to slow down and be cautious? Seems incredibly hard, or have I got the meaning wrong?
Puppies can be put in puppy training school to learn to socialize and after that, obedience school can follow. For service dogs, this is of course an imperative.
Hi Colby,
This article is just an amazing. I couldn’t even imagine that they teach a service dog so many commands. After reading your article it makes perfect sense. We marked your article as very helpful, and posted at Punditor.com.
What Commands Do You Teach A Service Dog?
Thank you a lot
Canine Support Teams uses the command “Better Go Now” instead of “Get Busy”
Hi Rayna,
Sorry for the late response. Congratulations! That’s great that Pyxis is such a good puppy. I don’t think we had any “P” puppies come to our group, but we did have a few from the “T” litter at our last meeting.
Thanks for sharing your update!
correction! ๐ *31 commands. HOW CAN YOU FORGET “GET BUSY”?!!
Hey Colby!
Just a little update for you! I have had my puppy from the “p” litter since August and he has been such a joy. His name is Pyxis and he is a lab golden cross. He is so mellow and really loves being with people! He went to a high school football game with me Friday and he is going to a volleyball game tonight! He does so well out in public it really surprises me sometimes! He gets many compliments everytime we go out! He is such a handsome boy;)
Just felt like bragging about my puppy!:)
Hi Kate,
I’m glad the post was helpful to you. We’re working with Adelle’s training and we’ll have more updates on what we’re doing and how she’s doing.
Take care,
Hey Colby
This is such a helpful post for me. I can’t teach my first dog actually i didn’t have an idea, how to teach him and that time their was unavailable a good trainer . But this time I can train my cute puppy with this instruction. Thanks for sharing us.
Thanks! Unfortunately, she does not know them all yet. The good news is we have a little over a year to master them all. ๐
Hi Sherry,
Yes, that definitely makes it difficult to train dogs when not everyone in the household is on the same page.
Thanks! We think she’s pretty good looking too. Jade must be a beauty! ๐
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Marilyn,
“Come” is a more formal command then “Come Here”. Here’s how they are defined.
COME: To advance to in front or to the side of you and sit. Will come in front or to the side and sit. REMEMBER do not confuse with COME HERE
COME HERE: To call the dog to you, but in no special position. Will come close enough to touch him, but does not have to sit. Can be used any time you want him to come to you, unless otherwise specified.
We also have a formal and regular COME when we train our guide dog pups. We use just the word HERE instead of COME HERE when we train our guide dog pups.
I hope that helps clarify.
Take care,
Thanks for stopping by. We have lots of training tips throughout the site. Good luck with your training!
Quite an impressive list of skills!
Hi Colby,
Very interesting post! Wow, that’s a lot of commands to teach your puppy Adelle! I sure hope they give you an example of what your pup is supposed to do for each one, since some of those seem similar. Like “quiet” and “settle” and “come” and “come here” for example.
Those ones kind of have me wondering what the difference between them are. Lol, then again, maybe I haven’t had enough coffee to think right yet today.
One thing I’d like to teach our dogs is to stop rushing out the door. They get so excited to go out, even if they’ve just been out, they all rush to the door like a herd of buffalo.
I usually make them sit and wait before opening the door, but it’s been a losing battle since no one else in the house takes the time to do this and just lets them rush out the door. Oh well, maybe I’m trying to train the wrong ones in the house, and I should be training the two-legged members of the family instead, lol.
Best of luck in training Adelle, she is beautiful! She reminds me of my dog Jade. Love the pic, BTW!
Hi Colby,
What’s the difference between Come and Come Here?
Thank you so much for Sharing this useful thoughts and or tips. I also need to some this type of information for training my Dog. Firstly means before one month I brought Dog Training Kit
Once agin thanks !