WARNING! Adorable German Shepherd Puppy Pile Ahead!
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We love puppies here at Puppy In Training and even better are puppy piles! Years ago we fostered this litter of cute, adorable German Shepherd puppies. We always say that they were German Shepherd mix pups, but 2 of the 7 looked like Labrador Retrievers…at the time we guessed that the litter of puppies had two different fathers.
Either way these little pups were super cute! One of the things they loved to do was cuddle up together and form a little puppy pile. It wasn’t because they were cold (at least I don’t think so). As I recall that was one of the hottest summers we had seen in years (we’re having a similar summer this year). Nope, they were all just the best of buds I guess…
German Shepherd Puppy Pile!
Going clockwise starting from the little yellow pup on top that’s Blondie, Cocoa, Sally, and Brisby. Missing from the puppy pile are Georgie, Boots, and the little runt: Princess Buttercup!

We rescued these seven puppies from the Riverside Animal Shelter and fostered them until they were old enough for adoption. At the time we were volunteer foster parents for the Cuddly Canines Rescue Organization. If you’re interested in fostering and live near La Habra, CA visit the Cuddly Canines website for more information.
Why Do Puppies Sleep In A Pile?
I’ve read dozens of books about puppy training, puppies, and dogs in general. So what’s up with these puppy piles? I’m sure you’ve all heard someone at one time or another say: “…dog’s are pack animals” as a way to explain some kind of behavior. Well guess what? The puppy pile is probably a direct result of dogs being pack animals. Here are a few thoughts on why we see these puppy piles:
- Dog’s are pack animals and as such want to be near each other thus forming puppy piles.
- The puppy pile is a part of a dogs need to bond with each other.
- The puppy pile is to keep the pups warm and help conserve heat. As I mentioned it was a hot summer and I’m not so sure these little guys needed to pile up and conserve heat.
My black Labrador Retriever, Stetson gets to sleep in the bed and likes to sleep right up against my body at night. It’s nice during cold winters, but he does the same thing in the middle of the summer. Stetson’s behavior must be a continuation of his days with his litter mates and their puppy pile. I guess now I’m a part of Stetson’s new puppy pile. I must say I do enjoy bonding with Stetson even if it’s the middle of summer and I’m sweating all night in bed. I guess humans (or at least I) are pack animals too 🙂
So what about you? If you raise litters of puppies do your pups form puppy piles? Do you (the human) form a puppy pile with your dog(s) at home? We’d love to hear what you have to say. Tell us about it in the comment section below.
Top Picks For Our Puppies
We Like: Beef Collagen Sticks - All of our pups love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Collagen Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors. - BEST PUPPY TOY
We Like: Calmeroos Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and Heat Packs - Perfect for new puppies. Helps ease anxiety in their new home. - BEST DOG TREATS
We Like: Crazy Dog Train-Me Treats - We use these as our high-value treats for our guide dog puppies. - BEST FRESH DOG FOOD
We Like: The Farmer's Dog - A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh dog food and she loves it! Get 50% off your first order of The Farmer's Dog.
Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.
I will ask Kroten first 😉
She has becoming more mommy’s girl since her sister passed away…I am afraid she’ll hate being separated to have summer with you 😉
They were a cute bunch. Thanks for sharing with your mom.
Thanks! They are grown up now. I often wonder what they look like as adults…
Thanks for the puppy pile picture. My mom loves German Shephards. I’m sending it to her.
They are adorable!
Hi Melissa,
Our guide dog pups always have to be at our feet when we’re working. I worry about the same thing. I’m always afraid that I’m going to roll over a body part.
Happy WW!
Hi Jodi,
I agree. I have trouble sleeping when my dogs aren’t in the bed too. It always feels weird when I’m in a hotel by myself without the dogs.
Happy WW!
That sounds like a good way to cool off. Can I borrow Kroten next summer? 🙂
Hmmm…could be. Linus is a pseudo-piler. He likes to be next to you, but doesn’t usually touch you like my other dogs did.
WOW!!! That’s quite the puppy pile! I think you win!
Awww…Pepper belly up sounds adorable. Stetson does the belly up sometimes too, but I’m not sure if it helps him to stay cool.
There were 7 in the litter…only caught 4 in this picture. I think I may have some other pics with all 7. I’ll have to take a look at all my photos.
It sounds like you moved to a nice new puppy pile! I’m sure Domeek likes it too 🙂
Happy WW!
They were a cute group of pups! Love those little guys 🙂
Stetson at your feet and Linus at your head! That’s an awesome puppy pile! You’re so lucky 🙂
Blueberry sounds like Stetson with his piling on our bed (more like Stetson’s bed).
Yes, lots of puppy breath from that pile o pups. Happy WW!
If anything the pups must do it because they know they look all the cuter!
Sam’s litter was one big puppy pile of cuteness too. Now if I’m sitting on the floor or in bed he has to be touching me… even if it’s just a paw on my leg. Even if I’m sitting at my desk he has to get as close to my chair as he can… which terrifies me – always scared I’m going to roll over an ear or tail!
We don’t sleep in a pack per say, although Sampson is more prone to be plastered against or on me during the winter months. Delilah likes to stay curled up at the bottom of the bed and more often than not is lying on my feet.
I wouldn’t have it any other way, in fact its gotten to the point that if they aren’t touching me somehow I just can’t sleep. 🙂
That is a super cute dog pile!! Nice to learn more about this dog pile info.
You won’t have problem with sweating too much on summer if your pet is reptile 😉 I like puting Kroten on my tummy on hot days because she is so cold.
Too bad I can’t put my link on the linky because I am using my mobile 🙁
Cute cute! Our shep-mix only “piles” up with us in the wee hours of the morning – probably because it’s chillier then. I wonder if she’s not much of a “piler” because she didn’t have the normal puppy experience. She was found by the rescue group on the beach in Mexico. Poor kid!
A not always puppy pile forms on me every time I try to sleep or nap; last count there were 9: 4 tweenie Dachshunds, 2 Beagle mix 11 week old puppies, a Basset/Beagle, a Border Terrier mix, and a JRT mix; rarely do I need a blanket! Love the photo of the puppies…
BOL!! Pepper only piles with me if it is cold. But she does have a heavy double coat, she tends to go belly up to expose her tummy to the fans to cool off.
That is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day! Happy WW!
That’s the cutest puppy pile I’ve ever seen! Happy Wordless Wednesday! 🙂
Eeekkk…such an adorable puppy pile! Love the photo! So, when I was being fostered with my litter, I definitely added to the puppy pile…then when it was just me and my brother, we added Domeek (my human) into the mix, and now it’s just me and Domeek snuggled up at night! The circle of life! 😉 Happy Wednesday!!
My family is a big puppy pile family!
I love puppy piles! Blueberry insists on sleeping practically on top of me at times. I guess that is the extent of our “piling”.
Too cute. Puppy piles and I can smell the puppy breath from here.
Puppy pile, cuteness overload! Happy Wednesday indeed!
Woof! Woof! Golden Thanks for the “PILE” info … interesting. Happy Wednesday . Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar