How Often Does Your Dog(s) Bring A Smile To Your Face?
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How often does your dog bring a smile to your face? That’s an easy one…DAILY!!! If my pups were with me throughout the day I might have to change my answer to hourly, every minute, or even track by the second!
My dogs make me smile every day! When I come home tired and mopey from a hard days work they are there immediately to cheer me up. Linus will come charging with one of his doggy toys. If he can’t find a dog toy he sometimes comes charging in with one of my UGG slippers. Stetson will sometimes do the Lab scoot running around the house with his butt tucked under him.
My pups bring happiness to me every day whether it’s just a simple smile to my face or belly-filled laugh!

My Dogs Can Always Make Me Smile And Laugh
At 8 years old Linus still gets the puppy zoomies. He will sprint from my office to my bedroom, jump up flying onto the bed pushing all the sheets to one side, and then repeat about 10 times. Puppy zoomies will always make me laugh it’s definitely one of the pure joys in my life.
Stetson is about to turn 6 years old and to watch him do K9 Nosework is a sight to be seen. Most of our fellow sniffer dogs are methodical when searching out different odors such as birch, anis, or clove…not Stetson! As soon as I give him his release command: “FIND IT!” he goes darting in and out of rooms like a dog possessed. You wouldn’t think for a minute he was sniffing for odor, but all the time his nose is in the air. Everyone in our Nosework class loves Stetson and he always brings smiles and laughter whenever he performs in the classroom.
He didn’t jump like a bucking bronco (like our pal Journey), but Derby could jump and although not appropriate for a guide dog puppy in training he’d make me laugh when I’d see him jump from a stand still, over 4 feet straight up, and into my friend’s planter.
Dublin is an easy one and makes me proud every day. I smile every time I think of him as a working guide dog with his partner Liz. Dublin made me belly-laugh when he was playing with his pals Wriley, Winter, and Baron. Dublin was the first one into the pool that hot summer day, but he didn’t jump in. He was so excited he didn’t look down and before he knew it there was water beneath his feet instead of the ground. I have great memories from that day and some wonderful pictures especially this one of Dublin’s flying ears!

He makes me smile to think that he’s helping others first by working in the prison pup program and when he graduates he’ll be helping as a working service dog. As a puppy in training, Apache made me laugh every time he played by himself with one of his toys. He loved to growl with his toy in his mouth. Fearsome yet playful I always found play time with Apache to be a blast.
My Dogs Don’t Just Bring Happiness And Laughter…
My dogs give so much more then happiness and laughter. There’s a bumper sticker that says “Who Rescued Who?” Linus is my only rescue dog, but I think all of my dogs have rescued me in one way or another. A few more of my favorite quotes about dogs:
“My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dog thinks I am”
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”
“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.”
How Do Your Pets Bring Happiness To Your Kids?
Are you a teacher or parent of a 3rd to 8th grade student? If so, you can enter your kids in the 5th Annual Pets Add Life Children’s Poetry Contest! It couldn’t be easier to enter! Kids simply write a poem about their pet and the joys they bring, and post it online. 6 Students nationwide will win:
- A $1,000 scholarship for each winning student’s classroom
- A $250 gift certificate for pet products
- And, a “by·line” in a nationally circulated magazine!
Awesome!!! Check out the PALS Facebook page to enter and for more details
Has your dog made you smile today? I’m sure he has. Tell us a little bit about how your dog makes you laugh and smile in the comment section below.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the Pets Add Life campaign and the American Pet Products Association. We are being compensated for helping spread the word about the benefits and joys of pet ownership.
Top Picks For Our Puppies
We Like: Beef Collagen Sticks - All of our pups love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Collagen Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors. - BEST PUPPY TOY
We Like: Calmeroos Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and Heat Packs - Perfect for new puppies. Helps ease anxiety in their new home. - BEST DOG TREATS
We Like: Crazy Dog Train-Me Treats - We use these as our high-value treats for our guide dog puppies. - BEST FRESH DOG FOOD
We Like: The Farmer's Dog - A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh dog food and she loves it! Get 50% off your first order of The Farmer's Dog.
Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.
Hi Jodi,
That’s great! It reminds me of Stetson who loves to run in and out of my legs. I’m not really sure where he picked that up from, but he always does it with a ton of excitement.
Ah Colby, my dogs make me laugh/smile every single day. Just this morning I came out of the bathroom and headed out to the kitchen to do the dog’s food. I stopped on my way out to bend down and shut off the noise fan. When I bent over I heard a tinkle of collar and the rush of something charging at me. In a matter of seconds Delilah had her head between my legs getting kisses on her face. (I didn’t see her in the dark room when I left the bathroom.) My first laugh from my dogs today was at 6:15 this morning. 🙂
Awww…it sounds like Chester and Gretel are a great combo. Thanks for sharing a little about them.
My boys bring a smile to my face and make me laugh all the time. I’m glad Blueberry does the same for you and others you see out on your walks an hikes.
Yeah, I really like the name Linus too! He had a little blue blanket when he was a pup just like Linus from Peanuts.
Thanks for sharing a little bit about each of your dogs. Chester and Gretel make me smile every day too. Gretel is such a little silly clown and snuggler. She always tries to climb up in to your face. Chester makes me smile most because he reminds me of all of the great adventures we have shared together.
Every day – so many times during the day – Blueberry brings a smile to my face and a smile to other’s faces when we are out walking or hiking!
I promise I didn’t steal “Linus” from you – I actually took in a lab puppy on the side of the road and called him that til he was adopted and have wanted to name a boy dog that for a long time. 🙂 It’s a great name!
The moment you walk in the front door they put a smile on your face. I love have my dogs greet me when I get home!
everyday!! i love the doggies. they always find a way to put me in a better mood!! and they’re so silly!! i love them!