DogPause Dog Bowl Review
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It’s Tuesday and you know what that means time to talk dog bowls. This week Stetson and I review the DogPause Dog Bowl for fast eating dogs. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my High Definition camera for the video, but I’m not too sure it matters since we’ve been uploading to low resolution videos to YouTube. Instead of my regular handy dandy Canon HD Video Camcorder I used a simple point and shoot digital camera: Nikon Coolpix S60 Digital Camera. The Nikkon is not much for shooting video, but it does shoot some decent still images and has a touch screen. I use my Nikkon for most of the still images on this site and now my first video. Overall, I’d say it’s a slightly above average digital camera.
Anyways, back to the DogPause Dog Bowl Review!
DogPause Dog Bowl Review
As mentioned earlier today we are reviewing the Dog Pause Dog Food Bowl. Of course the purpose of this bowl is to slow down fast eating dogs. Below are the specifications on this dog bowl.
Product: DogPause Food Bowl
List Price: $12.95
Product Features:
- Divides the bowl into 4 feeding zones
- Each feeding zone is 1/2 cup in capacity and designed to “block” the dog from putting his full snout into the bowl; this slows down eating pace as your dog needs to use his tongue for each bite
- After your dog finishes each zone, he must re-position himself for the next zone
- The bowl is designed to slide a little on the floor, further slowing down the dog as he needs to re-position for each bite
- DogPause Food Bowl comes in two colors (Red and Blue)
- Clinically proven to slow down fast-eating dogs.
- Virtually eliminates the risk of choking.
Product Description:
This bowl is sized for dogs between 15 and 100 pounds and most dog breeds ranging from Beagles to Rottweilers. It’s particularly effective with Labs and Golden Retrievers!

Puppy In Training Product Review
DogPause Bowl Video Review
Our trusty speed eating tester…Stetson was up to the challenge and ready to demo the DogPause Dog Bowl on camera for the benefit of our readers. Check out the Video review below of the DogPause Dog Food Bowl.
As you can see in the video it took Stetson approximately 10 seconds longer to finish the food in the DogPause Bowl versus his regular stainless steel bowl. This is good, but not a great result and we have tested the DogPause Bowl extensively with similar results each time Stetson eats a whole meal of food.
My Thoughts On The DogPause Dog Food Bowl
This bowl does slow down Stetson’s eating and does appear to keep him from gagging and vomiting. Although he still has done both on occasion it’s not nearly as frequent as when he uses his standard stainless steel bowl. The main problem I’m having with this bowl is similar to the issues I’ve had with the regular Brake-Fast Bowl. Over a period of time Stetson develops canine acne while using the Dog Pause Dog Food Bowl. Stetson’s canine acne really makes it’s impossible to use the Dog Pause Dog Food Bowl as a permanent solution for slowing down Stetson’s fast eating.
- The bowl does work as advertise, but in our test it only extended Stetson’s eating time by 10 seconds. However, if you check out the video on the website you’ll see a video of Hank. It took him nearly twice as long to finish his food with the DogPause Bowl going from 1 minute 5 seconds with a stainless steel bowl to 2 minutes 1 seconds with the DogPause Bowl.
- Stetson has been better with his gagging and vomiting when using this dog bowl.
- Plastic bowl causes canine acne on Stetson’s chin.
- While it slows down Stetson’s eating it doesn’t slow it down by much.
- This plastic dog bowl is not nearly as solid a construction as the Contech EatBetter Dog Bowl or the Metal Brake-Fast Dog Food Bowl
While the Dog Pause Dog Food Bowl does do it’s job I think the main problem we have is that Stetson scoops food out like a shovel and swallows. The DogPause Bowl helps a little, but not has much as we’d like. My thoughts now turn to a giant dog bowl that would just spread all his food across so he can’t do his usual scooping action. I’ve seen several great suggestions that I might try in the future that doesn’t really involve a special dog bowl. First, I like the idea of trying a muffin pan. The DogPause Bowl is very similar to a muffin pan and I think a muffin pan might work even better for Stetson as he won’t be allowed to scoop as easily with the little muffin holes. A second option is to purchase a large stainless steel bowl and drop one of Stetson’s toys in the middle like his Kong to obstruct his eating.
I’ll probably try both of these at some point and time and report my results back here at Puppy In Training.
Do you have any suggestions that you use to slow down your dogs eating? Let me know in the comments section so I can test it out with Stetson.
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Regarding the acne: From what I understand some dogs are just allergic to plastics. However, I’ve also heard that plastic is more prone to harboring bacteria which can also cause acne around your dogs mouth.
I’m not really sure which is causing Stetson’s acne so I’ve recently decided to try some of his plastic dog bowls again. However, this time thoroughly washing both around Stetson’s mouth and the dog bowl after each feeding.
I’m sure I’ll probably write more about this in a later article. Thanks for reading.
Maybe if the dog bowl was made of a more solid heavy rubber it would be a bit better.. The whole jaw acne thing really got my mind thinking too. I would of loved for you to express more on what that was all about. Great write up
Your thoughts on the dog Pause dog food bowl are very interesting. I also want to say that you have portrayed your knowledge in a really
new and dynamic style.