Comments on: Puppy In Training TV Ep13 – GDA Puppies And The March Of Dimes Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Thu, 28 Sep 2017 22:31:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colby Sun, 04 Jan 2015 05:06:16 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

Hi Jennifer,

Sorry for the late response. The Archer I’ve mentioned on the blog was career changed. I haven’t seen another Archer since then, but I’ll do some poking around and see if I can locate him.

An interesting fact: When I picked up Dublin I received pictures of him from the nursery. I noticed he came from the Star Trek litter and his name at the nursery was Archer after Jonathan Archer from the TV series Enterprise.

If I find any pictures of Archer the breeder I’ll send them over to you.

Take care,

By: Jennifer Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:39:54 +0000 Hi Colby,
I’m a puppy raiser for Canine Companions for Independence. I notice in your blog you have a dog named Archer. Do you know if he is now a breeder? CCI’s Silk had a litter with GDA’s Archer in October, and I have a couple friends raising from this litter. We’re curious what Archer looks like! Any chance you have any details or photos of him? Thanks 🙂
