Comments on: DogPause Dog Bowl Review Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Mon, 13 Feb 2023 01:03:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colby Wed, 30 Sep 2009 04:50:37 +0000 Regarding the acne: From what I understand some dogs are just allergic to plastics. However, I’ve also heard that plastic is more prone to harboring bacteria which can also cause acne around your dogs mouth.

I’m not really sure which is causing Stetson’s acne so I’ve recently decided to try some of his plastic dog bowls again. However, this time thoroughly washing both around Stetson’s mouth and the dog bowl after each feeding.

I’m sure I’ll probably write more about this in a later article. Thanks for reading.

By: How to train a Dog Wed, 30 Sep 2009 01:54:14 +0000 Maybe if the dog bowl was made of a more solid heavy rubber it would be a bit better.. The whole jaw acne thing really got my mind thinking too. I would of loved for you to express more on what that was all about. Great write up

By: Pet lover Thu, 24 Sep 2009 10:44:28 +0000 Your thoughts on the dog Pause dog food bowl are very interesting. I also want to say that you have portrayed your knowledge in a really
new and dynamic style.
