Comments on: Can My Puppy Ride In The Front Seat Of My Car? Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Mon, 13 Feb 2023 00:43:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colby Thu, 17 Sep 2015 00:44:01 +0000 In reply to Tommy.

Yes. I never really thought much about dogs riding in the back of SUV’s until I started raising guide dog puppies and doing more research into it. It makes sense that this area is made to crumble for the safety of passengers and a good reason not to allow your pets or people to ride in that area of the car.

By: Tommy Thu, 17 Sep 2015 00:20:20 +0000 Nice to see this works just how I figured few years ago, when we got yourselves a puppy. We used these same pet transport methods based on merely our common sense. So, first we taught the puppy ride in a car in the passenger footwell, on a towel/blanket with toys and a cool water bottle (yes we hadn´t ac in our car in that time). Next when the puppy grew we taught her to ride with harness on, and we placed the puppy in the passenger side back footwell. The harnesses dog seatbelt strap was locked to the car´s seatbelt lock. Next we changed your cars one after to one other to the models didn´t have so large back footwells, so your now dog place was in the backseat with harness on. Sometimes the dog rides on the front seat also (harness on & locked). Then I just switch the passenger airbag off. But I never ever would put my dog in the car´s trunk area/back. No matter the car´s size and SUV/wagon or not. Due to possible rear-end collision etc…

By: Colby Sat, 06 Jun 2015 00:58:08 +0000 In reply to Drew.

I’m glad you found the tips helpful. Thanks for stopping by!

By: Drew Fri, 05 Jun 2015 15:17:34 +0000 I’ve never really compared a dog riding in the front seat to a child riding in the front seat but I can see the similarities now. Thanks for the tips, they were very helpful.

By: Colby Thu, 05 Feb 2015 23:01:34 +0000 In reply to Allison.

Is the leash attached to a harness? Do they keep the leash short? If the leash is attached to her collar and it’s not kept short tell your parents to be careful because that could become a dangerous situation in an accident.

By: Allison Thu, 05 Feb 2015 18:23:58 +0000 My parents have a Yorkie, so they bought a small basket that straps to their center console and she rides in there. The basket also has a leash attached to it, so she can’t jump out of the basket.
