Comments on: How To Stop A Puppy From Barking In His Crate At Night Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Sat, 24 Feb 2024 00:01:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniele Sun, 22 Oct 2023 12:26:55 +0000 So I am new to kennel training or having a puppy in general (it’s been years). A little back story, 2 days ago my fiance left early in the morning before work to get some coffee and when he was coming back home he noticed a plastic tub on the side of the road at the end of our apartment complex (wasn’t there when he left) but he noticed movement and realized someone had dumped a puppy there thankfully he stopped and got the puppy before anything bad happened to it considering that road is busy once the morning goes on. So we decided we are keeping him cleaned him up and fed him he seems to be anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks old and a golden retriever or yellow lab or a mix of both. He is adorable. The first night we did not have a kennel but tonight was his first night in a kennel which he did good for awhile but at about 4:30 this morning he started howling and barking so I got up and let him go potty. I let him play a little bit to tucker himself out a bit and when he fell back asleep I put him in the kennel again and tried to go back to sleep but he began to howl and bark again and it did not stop after 10 or 15 mins. He just seems to continue to bark and howel uncontrollably. Should I not have let him play before hand? Note to add we did put his food and water in the kennel and a blanket and toys along with pee pads in case of accidents the only thing we haven’t done is putting a blanket over the kennel. I just want to do things right for him. I’m not sure the life he had before he was dumped but he seemed to have been taken care of because he wasn’t badly emaciated when he was found I feel like who ever had him just didn’t know how to take care of him properly or he was to much for them.

By: Catrin Sun, 30 Jul 2023 20:40:33 +0000 Advice welcome..

We have a pup who’s now 10 weeks. At 8 weeks on first arriving he slept in the crate at the bedside – first night very barky, then settled.

At 9 weeks, moved the crate to the landing. VERY Barky first night then calmed completely.

At 10 weeks we’ve not left the crate downstairs. Awful barking night one, trying again with calming music and tv time for us next door so he can hear people.

It seems the change of location triggers barking but it’s completely covered. Any advice or understanding of why this is happening?

Thank! Super helpful tips already

By: Rebecca Winn Tue, 13 Jun 2023 09:01:45 +0000 We just got our puppy and put the crate in my room for the time being. It’s 1am and he will not stop barking. So I did what I usually do, put a blanket over the crate and waited a few more minutes before deciding to look up other ideas. Read some of these and ended up laying next to the crate…he continued to whine and bark. So i talked to him and opened the crate just enough for my hand to fit, pet him for a bit then closed it and hummed to him. He’s been quiet ever since, thank you for the ideas! 🙂

By: Peter Fri, 28 Apr 2023 20:08:06 +0000 Our Welsh Springer Spaniel puppy is now 5 months old and we have had only a hand full of nights when he hasn’t barked in his crate at night. We have tried all of your tips and although he is happy to go into his crate (located next to our bed) of his own free will, he starts barking as soon as the gate is closed. Usually he will stop after 10 to 15 mins of firmly telling him to settle and praising him when he lays down. This happens even when he’s really tired. The same thing happens during the day. He is happy to eat his meals in the crate and play with toys but when the gate is closed, he kicks off. Please can you help?

By: Toni Fri, 03 Mar 2023 10:11:51 +0000 We adopted a puppy at 8 weeks old. He’s now 17 weeks and still barks and howls excessively at night. We were responding to it each and every time—every two hours, but by now I’d think he should have more spans at night where he sleeps for longer lengths. I do feel it is attention. We take him for long walks, we play, he has chew toys and a stuffed king or bone. Nothing is working!

By: Tenzin Fri, 24 Feb 2023 03:37:00 +0000 Hi, I just came across your post and everything is so informative. We just adopted a 3 month puppy and trying to crate train her to sleep through the night. At the pet store (when we went to buy food) they recommended we put her outside our room. We tried and she was barking and getting aggressive and lunging towards me when I went near her crate. We then loved her in our bedroom and close where she can see one of us, and she calmed down and went to sleep. How long do you recommend her in the bedroom? Also how do we go about leaving her in the crate while we go out shopping for an hour? Also do would you suggest or have any experience using those night time treats (natural one no meds)? We live in an apartment so I do not want to get any complaints from the neighbors. Thanks for your time.

By: Mary Joy Mon, 20 Feb 2023 19:30:49 +0000 I can relate to this issue as I have been dealing with it myself. My puppy also hates his crate and he wakes up a lot throughout the night and barks non-stop. I’ve tried all the usual methods, like using treats or toys while placing him in the crate and establishing a consistent bedtime routine, but nothing has worked so far. After I read your post, I discovered that puppies need to be able to feel secure in their crate for them to properly rest at night. So, I decided to try putting a cozy blanket over the crate and some comforting items inside it like his favorite toy or treat and I always talk to him at night to say goodnight and even give him a good night kiss, and it works! I can finally sleep at night!

By: tdchinges Mon, 20 Feb 2023 09:56:54 +0000 Puppies usually bark loudly when they are hungry, cold, and want to poop. We should pay more attention to it and understand its needs more

By: Paul Lenhard Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:38:48 +0000 We brought home littermates thinking it was going to be easier to train together, well now we know about littermate syndrome after the fact. They have been sleeping in a makeshift pen in the bedroom and have done fine, I am waiting for the two large crates to arrive before we get them separated at night. Any tips for crate training littermates in separate crates? Thank you!

By: Lina Jackson Fri, 13 Jan 2023 08:01:38 +0000 ]]> In reply to Erin.

