Comments on: Should I Get A Cat Or A Dog? Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Sat, 04 Nov 2023 23:23:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: cat_lover2002 Mon, 20 Sep 2021 07:29:14 +0000 i prefer cats

By: Marco ferguson Mon, 18 May 2020 13:35:59 +0000 In reply to Tia.

everyone has a opinion people like cats and dog so you can’t say dogs are better than cats. some cats are mean some cats are nice some dogs are mean some dogs are nice it doesn’t matter what people choose let them choose not you so stop being mean to cats. oh and cats are good companions they get rid of pests insects rats and other stuff, they don’t have to get a bath cause they bathe themselves, they don’t stink like some dogs do, and cats can cuddle with you too. some cats can be mean and scratch because they might be afraid of you cause you did something to them before that you might not remember but they do, so that is why they scratch or bite, or hiss at you . so dogs and cats are good pets to get, you can even get both cats and dog when they are babies because they aree closer together like that.

By: doglover2002 Thu, 23 May 2013 03:33:48 +0000 Dog dog dog!!! Have you ever heard of a cot guiding the blind? Knowing when a storm or something is going to happen? I dont think so!!!! Dogs are loving, fetching, playfull pets. Cats…… HISSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! HISSSSSSS!!!!!! Dumb cats. Get a dog!!!! Hope this helped!!!!

By: norma Sun, 27 Jan 2013 22:45:23 +0000 In reply to paulette.

Dogs donot kill cats, we got a baby kitten from a rescure, and i have a full grown doberman, they were scared at first of each other, it took 2wks. of them being together, but not alone, and they love each other now sleep together, play , the cat is all over her, and she dont hurt the kitten at all its all how you raise them.

By: Teri and the cats of Curlz and Swirlz Sun, 27 Jan 2013 18:22:28 +0000 In reply to Teri and the cats of Curlz and Swirlz.

Oh, and and the photo accompanying your post was kind of scary, too.

By: Teri and the cats of Curlz and Swirlz Sun, 27 Jan 2013 18:20:12 +0000 Nice post! Thanks for the info from the UK article. I was a little disturbed by some of the comments, though…

By: Colby Sun, 01 Jul 2012 23:35:20 +0000 In reply to Tia.

Hi Tia,

We are dog people too, but as a kid growing up we’ve always had dogs and cats. So we like both. If you look at our family it’s split. My Dad, brother, and I are dog people and my sister and mom are the cat people. It’s kind of interesting that the males like the dogs and the females like the cats…

Thanks for stopping by!

By: Tia Sun, 01 Jul 2012 15:55:04 +0000 get a DOG there way better then cats. cats dont play like dogs do and there eat small animals like fish or hamster. every so often u get a dead mouse or bird off them sick i know.

Dogs are loving animal, they are play full, loyal and get along with most other dogs. So get a dog, i would’t lisen to the cat lovers out there.

By: jc Sun, 09 Oct 2011 05:05:43 +0000 dont listen to the people who said cats. dogs are loyal, friendly,and loving. a cat is
. great but they will eat your pets and dogs are really not aggressive people made them agrressive. dogs dont kill cats my dog is a jack russell terrier and friends with a stray cat. cats will run and hiss when they see people a dog will walk up to them happily.and finnally dogs tend to be more friendly, loving, and caring than cats. if you get a cat dont blame me or a dog because your fish hamster ferret rabbit bird or pet mouse gets eaten.therefore i suggest dogs

By: paulette Wed, 24 Aug 2011 03:59:01 +0000 GO CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
