Comments on: What Should I Teach My Dogs Next? [My Dog Training Class List] Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Sat, 26 Aug 2017 07:29:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colby Mon, 20 Feb 2017 22:49:03 +0000 In reply to Simone Meeker.

It sounds like your puppy does not yet grasp potty training. When our puppy does not totally understand potty training we manage his behavior throughout the day by keeping him on leash by our side when indoors at all times. This way we can catch pre-potty behaviors like circling, sniffing, squatting before our puppy has an accident and get him outside to potty in his regular spot. Hopefully that helps. Good luck with your training.

By: Simone Meeker Tue, 14 Feb 2017 06:09:05 +0000 Rufus is a 3 month old standard poodle. He’s beautiful and very sweet, as well as intelligent. We’re having difficulty with potty training, though. He doesn’t have a urinary tract infection. He may not have complete bladder control yet, maybe. He started in a crate and we still use it. He has doggie doors and an older poodle who goes out with him when he goes. He knows his spot to use outside. But in between his enforced every 2 hour outings, he creeps into a room or the garage and leaves a puddle or a pile of poop. Today he left a pile of poop just inside the doggie door! We don’t get angry (visibly) though we are frustrated. We bring him to his accident, pick it up and show him where it goes outside. It’s always a different spot indoors because I use enzyme cleaners so there’s no remaining odor. I don’t know what to do next. Start over? Keep doing what we’re doing? We don’t feel like we can move ahead with more training until he has the basics down pat.

By: Colby Fri, 23 Dec 2016 02:08:05 +0000 In reply to Gus.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a beginners guide, but it’s something I’ll look into creating in an upcoming blog post. I do highly recommend enrolling your dog in group training classes. It’ll give you a chance to ask a certified professional dog trainer questions about your dog and how to train it. Group training is also a good way for your dog to socialize in a controlled environment. Good luck with your new dog!

By: Gus Wed, 21 Dec 2016 18:40:32 +0000 Hi, We adopted a 5 year old Scottish Terrier from, hes healthy and fit but not very responsive to instructions. Do you have any beginners training ideas we should consider for him to be a bit more responsive? Many thanks

By: Colby Sat, 19 Nov 2016 02:25:14 +0000 In reply to Leigh.

Classes have been going great! Archer is a little bit of a jekyll and hyde. Sometimes he’s a superstar and other times…not so much. He’s still a puppy and needs to mature a little. Last day of our PhD class he passed he did a meet and greet with all the other dogs in our class and he passed was perfect each time. Go Archer!

By: Leigh Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:27:29 +0000 Hi! Any updates on how the classes went? Getting a dog to remain calm when greeted by people must be challenging.

By: Colby Tue, 13 Sep 2016 00:15:49 +0000 In reply to Leslie.

Yes, a dog can be trained at any age!

By: Colby Tue, 13 Sep 2016 00:14:35 +0000 In reply to Mary @ StaleCheerios.

Yes! This is going to be a busy fall. Not only do I have dog training classes, but human classes as well! I’m taking a photography and videography class this semester. Hopefully it will help with some of the content on the blog.

By: Leslie Mon, 05 Sep 2016 14:34:21 +0000 I see that you are quite professional in this. A quick check: My dog’s a little over 4 right now. Do you think she still can be trained to respond to commands?

By: Mary @ StaleCheerios Mon, 05 Sep 2016 03:30:00 +0000 It sounds like you are going to be busy this fall!!

I hope Stetson has fun with the nose work. I’ve only done a bit of nose work, but it is something I would really like to do more of in the future. I find the dogs really enjoy it.
