Comments on: How To Put A Dog To Sleep And When To Know It’s The Right Time Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Sun, 12 Jun 2022 22:41:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vicky JiraDry Sun, 12 Jun 2022 22:41:48 +0000 My dog is ready to cross the rainbow bridge. I can’t lift her or get her to a vet. Mobile wants 450.00 which I cannot afford. I want to do what’s right and keep her pain free. Is there any home remedies that I could use? She is 65” golden lab.

By: Irene Sat, 26 Jun 2021 08:31:17 +0000 Our first two dogs died suddenly and naturally at home. Our first dog died a day shy of his 18th birthday and our second dog was 17 when she died, Both were in good health for their age so it was a shock when they suddenly passed. Our third dog, a yorkie, developed cancer in his mouth and gums at age 13. The oncologist told us we could start him on chemo treatments but it would only prolong his life 3-6 months and couldn’t guarantee his quality of life. We decided to not put him through chemo treatments. He never acted sick and always had a good appetite. We asked the vet how would we know when it was time to let him go, and he just told us, we would know. He was right. One night he didn’t eat his food. We knew it was time to let him go. It was the most difficult thing we’ve ever had to do, but it was something we had to do.
