Comments on: Are Your Dogs Drooling In The Car? Here’s What You Should Do Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Fri, 10 Nov 2023 00:25:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gemma Tue, 15 Aug 2023 10:40:25 +0000 In reply to Julie.

I’ve tried literally everything for mine, I’ve decided enough is enough and he’s just gonna have to get over it none of the above worked for us unless he is sedated it’s ridiculous.

By: Gemma Tue, 15 Aug 2023 10:38:04 +0000 I have tried all of this for 6 months dailtly with my 9 month old labrador and he still refuses to get in the car, the lip smacking starts as soon as he even sees the car let alone in it!I was using high value treats such as cheese and hot dogs and now he won’t even take them as he associates it with getting in the car, I have been to vet and given anti vom tablets but this is only for long journeys I need to take my dog out in the car daily on short journeys and he drools about a litre within 4 minutes I’ve actually filled up a washing bowl with drooland vomit within 20 minutes it’s ridiculous. I’ve tried herbal tabs,sprays and liquids, benadryl, toys, treats, cage,no cage,back seat, boot, front seat,booster seat nothing works!!! I’ve tried the positive reinforcement approach for 4 weeks daily for up to an hour nope still won’t get in the car by himself! Now I’ve had to resort to forcing him in and out of the car daily for up to an hour until he knows I won’t give up until he climbs in by himself, he still drools but is starting to realise I’m not gonna back down sometimes your ways will not work just bear that in mind

By: Julie Sun, 25 Jun 2023 14:17:24 +0000 Any suggestions for what do to when you need to take a car ride before your dog is fully comfortable getting in on their own or going for longer drives?
