Comments on: What Should Your Puppy Know At 4 Months Of Age? Dog Lovers | Puppy Experts Sat, 24 Feb 2024 00:03:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colby Fri, 13 Oct 2023 22:51:01 +0000 In reply to Ruby.

Here’s another article on potty training that you might find helpful:

You might looking into getting an enzymatic cleaner that will completely remove the odor from the accidents. We might not be able to smell out but a dog’s nose is hundreds to thousands times more sensitive then ours. And when a dog smells a spot that smells like urine he/she will try to potty their again.

If our puppies aren’t potty trained one thing we try to do is keep an eye on them when they’re in the house. If they show any signs that they might potty like sniffing, circling, squatting we take them outside immediately to their potty spot.

Hopefully that helps. Good luck with your puppy!

By: Ruby Fri, 06 Oct 2023 15:21:30 +0000 I’m having a problem house training my puppy she’s 3 1/2 months old. Sometimes she hates the doggie pad other times she just pooped all over the place I bought stuff to spray. I’ve made up my own concoction with lemons. I’ve also made up a concoction of rug cleaner, water, and lemon juice and spray on the P or the poop. I put doggy pads down where she goes the most. She just doesn’t go there then please help me. By the way, I’m also handicapped so it’s not easy for me to get around. Yes I walk, but very slowly.

By: Pam Mon, 10 Jul 2023 23:32:36 +0000 In reply to Allan James.

My 18 week old Aussie comes when called 90% of the time when inside the house. When she’s outside off leash, she often ignores us when we call her. Her bred requires a lot of exercise, particularly running which is hard to do on leash. What do you suggest?

By: Allan James Tue, 08 Nov 2022 15:22:54 +0000 Archie is 4 months old tomorrow, he is a Chocolate Lab Retriever – he’s been house trained since he was 3 months old, with no mishaps since, he will sit, down, stay and come, for a treat – he will fetch his ball 90% of the time when we’re out in the park. He’s not been in a crate at all, and sleeps in the kitchen all night with no issues, I work from home and after his morning walk he’s under my desk most of the time, We have no issues with Archie inside or outside unless other dogs are around – he wants to play all the time, even if the other dogs don’t or their owners don’t 🙂 at this time come, stay go out the window – I don’t like to have him on a lead but when other dogs are around I have no choice – is there a magic resolution to this ?

By: Colby Sun, 16 Jan 2022 23:40:01 +0000 In reply to Bianca.

Congratulations on your new puppy! You might try giving him a stuffed frozen KONG that he only gets when you crate him during the day. Also, I would reduce the amount of time you leave him in the crate and slowly start working up towards a longer period of time. Hopefully, that helps. Good luck with your puppy!

By: Bianca Sun, 16 Jan 2022 08:26:53 +0000 Hi I’ve got a 15 week cocker spaniel & it’s going well, he’s 99% toilet trained in the house & sleeps for a good 8-9 hours a night in his crate but he doesn’t like being on his own in the day when we go to work he cries & howls we r trying to leave him for 30 mins at a time then come back etc but he hate it. Any tips? Please

By: Elizabeth Tue, 16 Nov 2021 13:08:24 +0000 We have a 4 month old dachshund that we got when he was 10 weeks. He still hasn’t fully grasped the concept of house training. He is still having accidents a couple times a week. Crate training at night has been great and he wakes me up during the night when he needs to go potty but during the day the cues aren’t as often and they are usually after he’s already had the accident in his crate or playpen. We reward the crap out of him when he goes potty outside i.e lots of praise, pets, and a treat! I know dachshunds are a bit more stubborn when it comes to house training but with the amount of work I’ve been doing with him I just don’t know why we are still having accidents a few times a week. What am I doing wrong?!

By: Erin Wed, 27 Oct 2021 17:07:19 +0000 In reply to Alex.

Dogs are den animals. Dens are dark. Try fully covering the crate so they have the comfort of a true den, walk away, walk around, make noise, but wait 10 mins before you give in to the whining. Hopefully they quiet down and you can take full advantage of crate-trained puppy! My dog only whines now if there is light peaking in from a corner or something. Fully covered pitch black, he’s a sound puppy for at least a few hours.

By: Donna Sun, 03 Oct 2021 16:21:09 +0000 I’m having a really difficult time socializing my 4 month old Husky Labradoodle. He LOVES people to the point of hysteria! Never had a pup get so excited! He is now 40 pounds and the jumping clawing biting needs to stop! I went camping last month hoping would socialize him as more older people camping that know what your trying to do. In a week was better but still sees some one is on a run for them. Walking him is exhausting if there’s anyone out. I meet two people and I’m done wrestling with him! Any help please? He’s very smart. Potty trained-Sit-down-shake-high 5-not grabbing treats all learned. Almost there on stay-does ok on come unless he sees someone or dog!lol

By: Mary Sat, 12 Jun 2021 18:35:45 +0000 I would agree with that advice. I lost my 11 year old male staff last November, I already had a 13 year old female staffy who is the most amazing beautiful girl with a gorgeous temperament. I got a 7 week old puppy in May and it’s probably not been as positive for her as I’d hoped. The age gap is too big, she wants a quiet life and he’s rowdy. I think waiting is sound advice. Good luck
