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This category has the following 55 subcategories, out of 55 total.
- Featured media of astronomy (1 P, 27 F)
- Valued images of astronomy (3 F)
- Astronomy PDF files (17 F)
- Air mass (astronomy) (7 F)
- Astronomical filters (4 F)
- ESA images (review needed) (218 F)
- Gallery pages about astronomy (40 P)
- Magnitude (astronomy) (6 F)
Media in category "Astronomy"
The following 145 files are in this category, out of 145 total.
1903 The Testimony of the Suns and Other Poems by George Sterling 1st edition.jpg 3,254 × 4,660; 19.01 MB
20170619 00 Kelt-9b.webp 800 × 420; 13 KB
74 Международный астронавтический конгресс 3.jpg 1,340 × 861; 144 KB
74-го Международный астронавтический конгресс 2.jpg 1,340 × 863; 143 KB
74-го Международный астронавтический конгресс.jpg 1,340 × 741; 99 KB
75. Circumpolar stars and key (22126797733).jpg 1,768 × 1,315; 263 KB
AA2017-C16.jpg 1,980 × 2,751; 916 KB
AA2017P-C2.jpg 1,988 × 2,738; 928 KB
Abóbada Celeste II.jpg 540 × 433; 48 KB
Abóbada Celeste.jpg 540 × 429; 66 KB
Akashgonga Logo in Shoptorshi.jpg 2,048 × 1,366; 293 KB
Antena corneta gif( imagem 2d).gif 864 × 864; 788 KB
APOD en català.jpg 986 × 691; 616 KB
Argument of perihelion.jpg 262 × 360; 12 KB
Asclepi - Brisbane Si Vinco Zetta Ferruggia.jpg 1,800 × 850; 1.06 MB
Asterism Moon with Smiley Face.png 2,048 × 1,536; 306 KB
Astro Almanac p C2 2017.jpg 2,377 × 2,656; 826 KB
Astro Turismo GHC.png 1,890 × 1,890; 512 KB
Astrogeomanity Table theory formal.png 11,616 × 12,495; 12.71 MB
Astrogeomanity Table theory.png 5,809 × 6,248; 8.05 MB
Astronomical stone diagram.jpg 3,986 × 2,989; 2.04 MB
Astronomy Word Cloud.png 1,920 × 1,080; 622 KB
Bahnformen von Planeten.png 1,254 × 752; 73 KB
Bahngeschwindigkeiten eines Planeten.png 862 × 666; 46 KB
Banner for the 2021 Women and Girl in Science (wandg2021-artwork-banner).jpg 1,725 × 656; 215 KB
Banner for the 2021 Women and Girl in Science (wandg2021-artwork-banner).tiff 1,725 × 656; 3.27 MB
Big Ideas in Astronomy 2 0 Released Online (website banner astro literacy).jpg 3,000 × 1,719; 2.04 MB
Big Ideas in Astronomy 2 0 Released Online (website banner astro literacy).tiff 3,000 × 1,719; 7.38 MB
Bilim clip image016-1.jpg 625 × 906; 133 KB
Calculated saros and inex numbers.png 1,286 × 340; 35 KB
Capa astronomia.jpg 1,073 × 748; 336 KB
Chinese manuscript Jih-yeuh-hsing chen-chieh. Wellcome L0020825.jpg 1,194 × 1,548; 366 KB
COCOPLOT of X9.3 flare.png 898 × 881; 506 KB
Colors of the Galaxy.jpg 747 × 747; 64 KB
Corrections cadrans-lunaires.jpg 701 × 629; 104 KB
CORVUS AL KHIBA AL SUFI RL.png 1,299 × 591; 175 KB
CrumeyFig3.pdf 1,350 × 1,066; 45 KB
CrumeyFig4.pdf 1,350 × 1,066; 37 KB
CrumeyFig5.pdf 1,350 × 1,066; 24 KB
DABIH NASHIRA RL.jpg 748 × 669; 438 KB
Dates of solar eclipses in XXI century.png 1,148 × 340; 11 KB
Daysperyear.png 481 × 289; 22 KB
Declinazione.jpg 591 × 591; 29 KB
Der Gestirnte Himmel - südliche Halbkugel.jpg 10,279 × 7,471; 15.34 MB
Der Gestirnte Himmel.jpg 10,328 × 7,760; 15.71 MB
Detection of Polarization due to Cloud Bands in the Nearby Luhman 16 Brown Dwarf Binary.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 25 pages; 2.74 MB
Die Nördlichen Gestirne auf die Ebene des Aequators.jpg 6,702 × 5,287; 7.94 MB
Die Südlichen Gestirne auf die Ebene des Aequators.jpg 6,714 × 5,358; 6.96 MB
Dr. Francesca DeMeo inteview de Jim Pillsbury Live.png 330 × 225; 175 KB
DSC00340-2 Gai4xx.jpg 6,000 × 3,988; 12.07 MB
Eclipsing binary with elliptical orbit.png 1,500 × 800; 46 KB
Einsteinweb.png 1,024 × 958; 362 KB
Elevazione.png 415 × 201; 3 KB
Energy Ladder (4510).jpg 1,200 × 1,200; 75 KB
Extract of folio 1r of BnF 7286C.jpg 1,416 × 666; 176 KB
Extract of folio 2r of BnF 7286C.jpg 1,477 × 1,447; 416 KB
Extract of folio 8v of BnF 7286C.jpg 613 × 1,814; 203 KB
Exzentrizität von Planetenbahnen.png 821 × 666; 38 KB
Folio 1r of BnF 7286C.jpg 1,024 × 1,421; 468 KB
Folio 8r of BnF 7286C.jpg 1,024 × 1,421; 495 KB
GOTO North at sunset.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 251 KB
Hemisphere of a 2D universe.jpg 1,181 × 1,820; 735 KB
Historia Coelestis Britannica-Complectens Praefationem spatiosam.png 752 × 559; 441 KB
Hubble Science- Multiwavelength Astronomy, The Big Picture (SVS14328).jpg 1,080 × 1,920; 174 KB
Hubble Science- Multiwavelength Astronomy, The Big Picture (SVS14328).webm 3 min 57 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 30.75 MB
Ikusgela-Euskal izena duten zortzi objektu astronomiko.webm 1 min 8 s, 608 × 1,080; 27.89 MB
Inex and saros for tetrads between AD 1000 and 2500.png 605 × 340; 19 KB
Infografia Wikiastronomia.jpg 2,952 × 5,263; 5.17 MB
Isotopic Abundance bubble chart.png 7,558 × 7,558; 4.35 MB
JADES-GS-z7-01-QU.jpg 2,880 × 1,779; 381 KB
Jeans hc2.png 960 × 720; 9 KB
Kepler-Manilius Si.jpg 2,000 × 1,196; 2.66 MB
Ketab.JPG 2,848 × 2,136; 3.36 MB
Lectures on astronomical theories (IA lecturesonastron14harr).pdf 835 × 1,387, 232 pages; 8.85 MB
Length of Hipparchic period zoomed in.png 1,082 × 409; 33 KB
Length of Hipparchic period zoomed out.png 1,082 × 409; 18 KB
Length of semester.png 1,082 × 409; 46 KB
Length of solar day.png 857 × 444; 22 KB
Length variation in three eclipse periods.png 1,082 × 409; 39 KB
LHS 2520 red filter.jpg 1,023 × 1,023; 88 KB
LHS2520.jpg 300 × 300; 20 KB
Lua, Júpiter e Saturno.webp 4,608 × 5,760; 3.41 MB
Lunar distance over anomalistic month.png 605 × 340; 17 KB
Lunar motionwiki.jpg 1,565 × 819; 133 KB
Lunette astronomique - cheminement de pinceaux.jpg 1,055 × 263; 49 KB
Lunette de Galilée - cheminement de pinceaux.jpg 1,049 × 298; 52 KB
Lunistices in 2006.png 605 × 340; 28 KB
Meteorite di Renazzo - Cronaca Barbieri.jpg 3,200 × 2,266; 1,024 KB
Meteorite di Renazzo - Cronaca di Lenzi.jpg 2,400 × 3,043; 1.09 MB
METEORITE MATERA.jpg 644 × 486; 118 KB
Michał Grosicki 2017 (Unsplash).jpg 4,416 × 2,944; 4.57 MB
Microdial conçu par Woodruff T Sullivan et Jeremy Robinson en 2022.jpg 934 × 725; 417 KB
Moffat and Gaussian.png 1,200 × 900; 106 KB
Mélanges de Colbert 60, folio 20r.jpg 3,009 × 1,858; 893 KB
Mélanges de Colbert 60, folio 40v.jpg 3,436 × 1,505; 745 KB
Mélanges de Colbert 60, folio 64r.jpg 3,009 × 2,578; 1.38 MB
Mélanges de Colbert 60, folio 7r.jpg 460 × 721; 83 KB
Mélanges de Colbert 60.jpg 2,078 × 1,113; 258 KB
Nea histogram.png 6,500 × 3,000; 690 KB
NLP 5942.jpg 6,016 × 4,016; 2.32 MB
NLP 6324.jpg 4,016 × 6,016; 2.54 MB
NLP 6343.jpg 6,016 × 4,016; 2.74 MB
Northern lunistice, 2006-2025.png 942 × 440; 22 KB
Nébuleuse du Croissant.jpg 300 × 300; 17 KB
Path of Vega at winter solstice.png 640 × 306; 79 KB
Phoenix A black hole.jpg 746 × 433; 218 KB
Planet HD 220074 b.png 880 × 838; 368 KB
Posición de 31 Leonis y R Leonis.png 512 × 233; 24 KB
Position astro color empty.pdf 1,250 × 1,454; 19 KB
Position astro color empty.png 600 × 698; 45 KB
Position astro iw-heb.pdf 1,250 × 1,454; 223 KB
Position astro iw-heb.png 600 × 698; 70 KB
Positional asronomy -no-txt.pdf 1,250 × 1,454; 222 KB
Positional asronomy -no-txt.png 600 × 698; 49 KB
Positional astro SVG white back.svg 600 × 698; 40 KB
QuadrangleVictoriaCarte.png 993 × 702; 957 KB
RAS Logo.jpg 377 × 381; 35 KB
Relative abundance of the isotopes.png 5,962 × 5,925; 3.63 MB
Relative isotopic abundance of the most stable nuclides.png 7,556 × 7,556; 4.35 MB
Spectra Showing Different Elements (4511).png 4,000 × 1,540; 1.04 MB
Spectrum Diagram (4513).png 1,801 × 246; 39 KB
Speed of moon in 104-103 BC.png 1,209 × 340; 32 KB
Stack 60frames 1800s WithDisplayStretch.png 2,072 × 1,411; 5.84 MB
Tabla Terminológica page-0002.jpg 2,482 × 3,509; 1.4 MB
Tabla Terminológica page-0003.jpg 2,482 × 3,509; 1.77 MB
Tabla Terminológica page-0004.jpg 2,482 × 3,509; 286 KB
Torquetum Diagramm nach Apian.png 554 × 973; 931 KB
VenusInFrontOfSunx.jpg 1,500 × 997; 135 KB
WandelsternwegKetschkemetSonne.png 2,211 × 2,435; 8.7 MB
WISE 4.6 micron PSF with Moffat and Gaussian aproximations.png 1,200 × 900; 100 KB
Women and Girls in Astronomy project poster (ann22005a).tiff 3,418 × 1,784; 2.08 MB
Women at Work- A Meeting on the Status of Women in Astronomy (1993-12-102).jpg 1,248 × 459; 120 KB
Внутрішня будова Меркурія.png 9,281 × 6,563; 36.55 MB
Източният хоризонт на изгревите наблюдавани от Софрата.jpg 1,200 × 266; 18 KB
Любовь - это травить метеорит во имя науки.jpg 2,384 × 3,371; 1.2 MB
Сектор от хоризонта срещу пирамидалния олтар.png 800 × 500; 17 KB
ပြကိုဟ်လောကသိဒ္ဓိ.pdf 779 × 1,243, 160 pages; 4.38 MB
“Astronomy” sign language (iau1706a).jpg 1,962 × 808; 372 KB
“Astronomy” sign language (iau1706a).tif 1,962 × 808; 2.29 MB
“Astronomy” sign language (iau1706b).jpg 1,773 × 1,792; 564 KB
“Astronomy” sign language (iau1706b).tif 1,773 × 1,792; 4.37 MB